Thursday, November 26, 2009


It’s not a good week to be an animal of any kind in Nepal, particularly Buffalo's – 200,000 of them alone, are due to be slaughtered.

Add to the 'death-list' pigs, goats, chickens and pigeons and anything else the superstitious Nepalese can get their bloodied hands-on.

In case you missed it, the world’s largest animal sacrifice The Gadhimai Festival, which happens once every five years, is taking place this week in Bariyapur southern Nepal.

The highlight of the festival is the ritual slaughters of more than a quarter of a million animals for Gadhimai - a goddess of power.

Participants believe that animal sacrifices for the Hindu goddess Gadhimai will end evil and bring prosperity.

The fact the festival has been going for centuries without any apparent abatement to evil around the world and Nepal remains to this day one of the poorest countries in the world – has escaped devotees.

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